
Kako privući digitalne nomade?

Sve češće se spominje naziv “digitalni nomad”. Moglo bi ih se opisati kao poduzetnike ili zaposlenike koji se koriste digitalnom tehnologijom za obavljanje svog posla. Istodobno su neovisni i vode život na više mjesta. Oni obično rade konstantno na putovanjima i na mjestima gdje imaju pristup internetu. U pravilu bave se zanimanjima koja zahvaljujući internetu mogu obavljati neovisno o mjestu rada. Prema statistici Digital Nomad Conservatory-ja iz 2021. godine, 83% digitalnih nomada su freelanceri i najčešće su u srednjim godinama (35-45 godina).

Digitalni nomadi su oni koji se uvijek odlučuju na duge rezervacije. Najčešće ostaju 20-ak dana na jednoj lokaciji što ih čini poželjnim gostima u iznajmljivanju turističkog smještaja.

Tijekom zadnje dvije godine pogodila nas je pandemija virusa COVID-19 koja je utjecala na “boom” digitalnih nomada. Rad iz doma postao je sve aktualniji s ciljem sprječavanja zaraze. Tradicionalno uredsko okruženje je sve više zamijenio rad od kuće. Poslodavci sve više shvaćaju da njihovi zaposlenici mogu biti čak i produktivniji u miru svog doma. 

Prema statistici, Hrvatska je, unatoč pandemiji, bila jedna od najposjećenijih država na Mediteranu. Posebno je pogodna za digitalne nomade s obzirom na svoju ugodnu mediteransku klimu, prelijep pejzaž na more, a nudi i brojne zanimljive sadržaje te kulturne znamenitosti s obzirom na bogatu kulturnu i povijesnu baštinu. 

Digitalni nomadi su obično vrlo znatiželjni i ambiciozni ljudi koji kada biraju destinacije za rad iz doma, imaju želju upoznati ljude i kulturu na novoj destinaciji. Često biraju apartmane s terasom i pogledom na prekrasan pejzaž koji utječe na njihovu produktivnost i motiviranost za rad. Obraćaju pažnju na okoliš te stopu kriminala u destinacijama koje ih interesiraju. Također im je privlačna i co-working kultura.

Postoje pogodnosti koje digitalni nomadi smatraju prioritetima, a na koje iznajmljivači ne mogu utjecati, poput pejzaža, pogleda, lokacije itd. Međutim, postoje načini na koje iznajmljivači mogu poboljšati ponudu svojih apartmana, odnosno mogu ih opremiti na način koji je pogodan digitalnim nomadima za duge rezervacije. Nastavite čitati da saznate kako privući digitalne nomade kako bi imali zagarantirani prihod na duži period uz mogućnost stjecanja lojalnih gostiju.

1. Omogućite digitalnim nomadima brz internet

Prioritet za digitalne nomade je stabilan internet s brzinom od minimalno 25 Mbps. Učinkovitost internetske veze izravno je povezana s njihovim uspjehom na poslu.

Digitalni nomadi koriste različite tehnologije i to često više njih u isto vrijeme (laptopi, pametni telefoni, tableti itd.). Spora internetska veza jednostavno nije u stanju držati korak s videokonferencijama, pozivima klijenata, prijenosima i preuzimanjima velikih projektnih datoteka i općenito strujanjem zvuka i videa koji dolazi uz svaki posao u našem modernom dobu.

Ako ste se odlučili za sporiji internet u svom smještaju kako biste uštedjeli novac, vrijeme je za nadogradnju. Bez brze internetske veze nećete privući digitalne nomade jer oni jednostavno neće moći raditi s vaše lokacije. Ako prikladno brza internetska veza nije dostupna u vašem području, potrebno je uložiti u kupnju novog routera.  

Ako imate brzu internetsku vezu u svom apartmanu, onda je to potrebno naglasiti na booking kanalima. Nemojte samo spominjati besplatni WiFi ili dostupnost interneta. Navedite točne brzine i pojedinosti. Digitalni nomadi polažu veliko povjerenje u detalje o brzini interneta.

Prema Digital Nomad Conservatory-ju, 56% njih bira svoju lokaciju s obzirom na internet i lokaciju u gradu koja im pruža brzu dostupnost sadržaja. Dakle, ako vaš bežični internet nije dorastao potrebnoj brzini, propuštate potencijalne dugoročne rezervacije.

2. Napravite radno mjesto

Vodite računa da nemate natrpane prostorije te nastojte se voditi minimalističkim stilom uređivanja. Napravite radno mjesto. Osigurajte besplatne uredske potrepštine kao dodatnu vrijednost vašeg objekta (olovke, papir, spajalice, škare). Provjerite da uz radni stol ima dovoljno utičnica za struju, a ako nemate, stavite produžni kabel. Digitalni nomadi ponekad rade dugo i morat će koristiti i puniti različite uređaje istovremeno. Veliki naglasak stavite na podesivu rasvjetu.

3. Uredite okućnicu

Mnogi ljudi vole raditi na svježem zraku, pogotovo na balkonu ili u vrtu s kojeg se pruža lijepi pogled. Opće je poznato da su ljudi produktivniji kada rade na otvorenom. Razmislite o kupnji kvalitetnijeg vrtnog namještaja i suncobrana.

4. Prilagodite dugoročne popuste 

Samo zato što digitalni nomadi mogu često mijenjati lokacije ne znači da hoće. Ako im se da razlog za ostanak, digitalni nomadi često ostaju više od mjesec dana u jednom apartmanu. Zašto? Jer im ostanak na neki način koristi. Najčešći način na koji iznajmljivači potiču duži boravak je ponudom popusta. Potrebno im je ponuditi povoljniju cijenu s obzirom na dužinu rezervacije. To se pokazalo učinkovitim, ali cijena je rijetko odlučujući faktor za digitalne nomade. Usredotočite se na činjenicu da ćete imati zagarantiran prihod na duži period i mogućnost da steknete lojalne goste.

5. Osvježite fotografije vašeg smještaja na booking kanalima

Kao što već znate, fotografije prodavaju smještaj. Pobrinite se da imate profesionalne i kvalitetne fotografije koje će privući pažnju potencijalnih gostiju. Ulaganje u profesionalne fotografije je dugoročno ulaganje u promidžbu vašeg smještaja.

6. Ažurirajte opise vašeg smještaja na booking kanalima

Najbitnije je u opisu navesti kako je smještaj idealan za duži boravak i rad. Također uključiti sve benefite unutar smještajne jedinice kao što su brzi wifi, radni prostor, opremljena kuhinja, balkon, terasa…

7. Ponovno pregledajte ograničenja vaših apartmana

Ako zabranjujete primanje kućnih ljubimaca u svom apartmanu, razmislite još jednom o tome. Dosta digitalnih nomada svoje ljubimce žele dovesti sa sobom dok rade s bilo kojeg mjesta te će pod svaku cijenu odabrati smještaj koji im to dopušta.

Ovaj trend digitalnih nomada bilježi stalan rast u posljednjih 10 godina, a još je ubrzaniji zbog pandemije. Sigurni smo da će se ovaj trend nastaviti i u budućnosti i zato pripremite svoje smještajne kapacitete na vrijeme i time privucite digitalne nomade.

Ako želite prepustiti upravljanje vašeg turističkog smještaja profesionalcima, posjetite našu stranicu za više detalja.

Booker Tools 3 in 1 solution can help you to prepare for the next season

Booker Tools is a Vacation Rental software that can be customized to fit the requirements of any Property Manager. The software was created and developed by one of the TOP 10 World’s Vacation Rental Management Agencies, Direct Booker. That’s the main difference between Booker Tools and other similar technologies. It is made by Property Managers for Property Managers.

The number of BT users is increasing daily and is currently used by thousands of users with over 10 000 property units in 13 countries. One of the satisfied partners is Denor Travel, Tourist Agency from Orebić in Croatia. We spoke with Muhamed Lulak, the agency owner, who revealed the specifics of their business and satisfaction with BT software.

Tell us the story about your agency?

The agency has existed practically since 2011, and we mainly do Vacation Rental Management for our partners. Our substantial segment is also the so-called “water” part, where we have a small fleet of boats for rent and water sports; jet skis, dinghies, SUP boards, etc.

How many property units do you manage?

Denor Travel works with over 50 properties, and we work with most of them who have multiple units within the property. We advertise them on all popular booking channels today, and we hope that the cooperation with Booker Tools will increase our number of reservations. 

Have you used any technology solution before Booker Tools?

Yes, we used one solid solution from a German company. 

Why did you decide to replace it with Booker Tools? Why didn’t it meet your needs?

Honestly, after talking to your director Mr. Grubelić I decided to change it. He invited me for a meeting and we talked for a long time about everything regarding the Vacation Rental Industry. I liked his ideas and the way he thinks, so I agreed that Denor Travel becomes part of the Booker Tools community.

How did you find out about Booker Tools?

As I’ve been in this business a long time, I have heard before about Booker Tools and almost all other Croatian companies that have dealt with this issue. However, somehow all of them were inaccessible, either by price or by approach to the client.

In what ways does BT help your business? What problems did you solve using BT?

For me, the essential part is the so-called Channel Manager. Customer support is also significant; they are always available if we have any questions or need advice. Now we are in the process of creating a new website that will be fully integrated with Booker Tools so that guests will be able to view the property, choose, book and pay for it in just a few clicks.

Booker Tools saves time by automating processes that are performed manually. How much time did it save you? Did you use that time for other jobs?

Well, of course, the very concept of Channel Manager has revolutionized the industry. I hope that this integration of the website => Booker Tools will save me even more time.

What is within the BT system made exclusively for your business? How much has this improved your business?

BT has enabled me to speed up and improve presenting my properties on various booking channels. It simplified my business and saved much time.

How satisfied are you with Customer Support and our Sales department?

Customer support is good. They always contact me as soon as possible, either by mail or phone. We used to be in contact more often, but now I’m probably an “experienced” user, so I only call when needed.

Would you recommend BT to other Property Managers, and why would they use it?

Yes, and I am doing it because it helps me on a daily basis to improve my business performance.

Do you have any advice on how to improve BT?

It’s kind of an ongoing process, anything that can help small agencies is welcome. I have already mentioned on several occasions some things of a technical nature, with which the system can be improved. Most features are already in the implementation phase, and each new version brings some minor improvements. I think BT is on the right track.

If you are also Property Manager, these are the reasons why you should embrace the technology and how Booker Tools can assist you:

1) Optimize your business efficiency and give yourself a chance to scale

2) Showcase your brand by creating your website directly within Booker Tools

3) Boost the dynamics of sales of your properties with advanced sales tools called Revenue Manager, and manage prices and restrictions with automatization processes

Booker Tools 3 in 1 solution can help you successfully prepare for the next season.

If you would like to have a chat about using the technology to optimize and scale feel free to contact us

Interview with our partner – EM Property Agency

EM Property agency is a young tourist agency from Rovinj, Croatia that manages property units. They finished the successful tourist season with the help of Vacation Rental Software Booker Tools, and the owner of the agency, Ivana Crnković, told us more about that.

Tell us a little more about the agency – since when do you exist, how many property units do you manage and what services do you offer?
EM-Property is a small agency that currently manages 17 property units that we advertise on 4 sales channels. We have been on the market for a relatively short time and the first season has been successfully completed. We offer several service packages: from the basic package where we manage reservations for clients, advertise properties on various accommodation booking platforms and respond to guests’ inquiries, to a complete property management service where clients let us take complete care of their property, from reservations to check in, administration, cleaning and preparation for new guests. Because of the complexity of this job, I needed quality technology to make it easier.

Booker Tools is software for Property Managers that automates and simplifies the Vacation Rental business and saves time by offering many tools such as Channel Manager, Revenue Manager, Centralized Calendar, Mobile Application etc.
During many years of experience in tourism in jobs such as reception and property agencies, I came across various technological solutions of similar but more modest content. It is for this reason that I immediately opted for Booker Tools which offers a large number of features. I was familiar with Direct Booker company for a long time and I have followed and been interested in their business and technology. I found out everything I was interested in by visiting their website and Facebook page.

The time savings obtained by using a technology solution such as Booker Tools allows Property Managers to dedicate time to other work processes that will improve the quality of their service.
Since Booker Tools is a technological solution created by Direct Booker, which is one of the TOP 10 World Vacation Rental Agencies, I knew right away that it would also suit all segments of my business. Although I am still in the process of expanding my business, I know that it will save a lot of time I have spent so far on closing reservations on various sales channels. This will allow me to redirect my time to working with clients, working in marketing, fieldwork, learning, and improving the presentation of my services to future clients. The biggest advantage of BT is a large number of tools in one, and I focused the most on the website. The whole system is quite practical and simple.

As you have already mentioned, the key to the practicality and simplicity of the system lies in the fact that it was developed by Direct Booker, an agency that manages vacation rentals that developed it according to its needs to improve and facilitate its business, and today uses it to manage over 8,000 property units. That is why BT is different from other softwares on the market and is specially adapted for all Property Managers. Do you agree?
Yes, I will be happy to recommend BT to other Property Managers as it is software that will suit their needs if they want to do this business professionaly. It will make their business much easier because the system will close all reservations on all sales channels, solve long-term administrations, give them security, and what is very important – for all questions and ambiguities, they can always turn to technical support. They answer all questions very quickly, have a professional approach and are very friendly. I am really happy and feel relaxed because I know I can always ask whatever interests me. It is an extremely professional, approachable and inspiring team. They have a lot of knowledge and experience in property management and patience for education and consulting. They appreciate every partner and it is really felt. Although I just started using BT, I already know that it will be very useful to me and that this is the beginning of a long-term collaboration.

If you are also a Property Manager and looking for a technological solution that will facilitate and improve your business, contact us.


A stronger summer, together!

It’s a peak of the season and we believe that most of you are satisfied with the results so far.
For those of you who want to increase their sales and meet the needs of today’s travelers, we suggest you realize these facts.

This summer travelers are searching for stays in June, July, August, and September as the numbers of covid cases are lower and traveling is safer. However, in these uncertain times, anything can happen that’s why it is more important than ever to have flexible rates. After spending almost a year in a lockdown it’s natural that people need to stay out of the house for a longer time.
You need to set up long-stay rate plans. We know that you are seeking safety measures, so let the guests know about it.
In today’s world, everybody is using their mobile phones for everything also for booking. Remember to add mobile rate.

Read this blog article from our partner to make sure you are not missing anything!

Technology is the key to solving all the problems of an agency that manages property units

We spoke with Nikola Grubelić, CEO and co-founder of a Vacation Rental agency, Direct Booker. The agency also offers technological solutions and products and the world’s leading franchise model in the short-term vacation rental industry. The business model relies on its technological development, Channel Manager & Vacation Rental Software, Booker Tools, preferred by the world’s largest booking channels (Airbnb,, Expedia, etc.). Direct Booker currently manages +8000 property units and +100 000 bookings per year in 11 countries.

The beginnings of Direct Booker?

I managed one apartment 11 years ago, and that’s when I realized the potential of renting private accommodation. I suggested to my friend and today my business partner, Nino Dubretić, to start thinking of renting as a serious business. We invested money, and so the story began. I would say that the desire for constant growth, job creation, and constant investment in the company are factors that push us towards even greater success.

What’s the story behind Booker Tools software? Why did you even develop your own technology?

In the beginning, we used foreign technological solutions to run our business well and manage property units. The technology back then was not at the level it is today, so we had to combine the two systems because one had certain functionalities, which the other did not, and vice versa. Since there was no perfect solution on the market for our needs, this combination of the two systems was solid.

However, constant price changes disrupted our budget plans, i.e., the financial structure and partners did not understand our needs. They did not have a clear “development road map,” which eventually led us to start thinking about our technology development, so we began to develop Booker Tools. Initially, we developed PMS (Property Management Software), and after that, we started developing connections.

The great advantage of Booker Tools over similar solutions is that it was developed according to a travel agency’s needs to solve its business problems, such as distribution on booking channels and automation of various business processes. What problems did Booker Tools solve for Direct Booker?

I’ll give you one banal example; we would manually enter each credit card data into a POS device, enter the amount, and finally authorize and charge it in the Risk Department. However, when we merged the Payment Gateway, i.e., automated and introduced profiles of how the system will respond to certain reservations based on specific rules, it came to the point that we no longer needed the Risk Department.

That means, when each reservation enters the system, it is recognized, and it is possible to determine what kind of reservation it is, what is the cancellation policy, what the rules are, and based on that, makes a decision when the reservation will be pre-authorized and charged. Most important of all is that the charges are made automatically. Previously, the calculations were done manually for each homeowner individually, and now this is done automatically.

And how did Booker Tools evolve? It is developed based on the needs of Direct Booker as its biggest client. We develop certain modules in the system functionality and customize the system to solve our problems. Booker Tools is the answer to our problems. If we have a problem with distributing objects across multiple channels, Booker Tools is the answer. If we have a problem with the repetitive jobs we do, the solution is a content API connection that automatically sends content from the system to all the listed channels and all other channels. Repetitive tasks of object setups are history now; setups are automatically presented from the system.

Technology is the key to solving all the problems of an agency that manages property units. We develop all of these business practices as Direct Booker through Booker Tools solutions. We want to help other agencies in their development and digital transformation, showing them the benefits of working with Booker Tools, how it helps them and what problems it solves.

For whom is the Booker Tools intended?

Booker Tools is intended for everyone who is renting accommodation in a professional and quality way, understands, and is ready to get into technology. The biggest problem we face when we’re selling technology is that someone doesn’t trust us, why our product is good and who we are.

We are Direct Booker, an agency with 11 years of experience, which has developed a technological solution to make business easier for ourselves. Our results are visible. We have credibility, which is the first thing that needs to be presented.

The common belief is that a technological solution is expensive and cannot be paid for. We made it for our own needs; we created a financial form for agencies like Direct Booker, who manage property units and especially adapted to this uncertain situation. We have created a module where you don’t have fixed or monthly charges but charges according to the realized reservation, without cancellation or modification charges.

Why are we a quality partner for agencies? Because we provide them quality technology and go together through a bad period, if there are no reservations, we do not earn money either because we only participate in the percentage when the reservation is made.

Another problem when selling technology is that the user is never ready for digitization and digital transformation. A large number of agencies are satisfied with low-quality solutions, which are not adapted to their business.

Which technological innovation has Booker Tools brought?

Experience from agency business leads to our modules being more complex. We are not a classic IT company but an agency that solves its problems with its technology. I think our Revenue Manager is innovative. Smart pricing tools originate from the aviation industry, and they have brought yield pricing to perfection, which has been transferred to hotel and apartment accommodation. We believe that this module will significantly speed up our work processes, lead to better revenue, reduce the number of working days, increase occupancy, and ultimately increase profitability. We have automated everything from creating reservations, entering reservations to issuing invoices, generating a self-billing invoice to the homeowner, fiscalization, and regulation.

When we talk to agencies, people are thrilled with the complete system and see that we have gone deep into it. However, we did not go deep into it, but we are deep in this business, and then the system is our expression towards the outside. If we work well as an agency, then we must have a quality system as well.

In which stage of development is Booker Tools now?

The latest innovations in Booker Tools software are Revenue Manager, an automatic generating page, the ability to share inventory, can be said as a “market place” where inventory can be shared with another agency within Booker Tools. We are working on the development of a module for direct booking, which is currently a big trend in the world of renting accommodation. We connected to all possible channels and payment gateways, which means that we met all the criteria in terms of distribution, billing and modules that I have already mentioned.

We plan to automate certain business processes within Direct Booker from March to May. Our goal is to offer everything we make for Direct Booker to Booker Tools users as well. From May to October we will work on various integrations that we will connect to the system, eg contactless check management system, smart locks, system for operations such as Operto, Properly … We will add various integrations that will somehow complete our PMS for an agency that, for example, deals with cleaning and welcoming guests.

We will constantly work on the development of existing modules because our goal is to increase and improve them by 10-20% and introduce new ones every year. And most importantly, I think we will work on a universal/centralized inbox. Our idea is that the system Booker Tools should be a central place to manage all operations, including communication with guests. We have already started working on this development and reached a certain level. The idea is to integrate all booking channels into a centralized inbox and also connect with Whatsapp and Viber so no matter what communication medium we use to talk to a guest, we have everything in one place. The organization of e-mails by priority in the system is also very important. Practically, if you now have 50 guests and 50 e-mails, or 150 messages, the first has to be the one that is most urgent, that is, a message from a guest coming today, and so on in chronological order. So this centralized form must be in both mobile and desktop versions. After development, it is necessary to optimize the system according to user needs in order to have a better and simpler overview. There is a lot, development never stops.

What would you say, why is it important now that Property Managers have technology solutions like Booker Tools?

To do some work it is clear that you have to have a good tool, it has always been so. For example, if you go digging the ground and don’t have a good tiller and do everything manually, it is clear that you will need a lot more time and energy to do the same job that you would do faster using a good tool. The same is with technology, especially now that there is a crisis, because digital transformation is the key to success.

We must be ready that tomorrow, when tourism recovers, we can do the same or more work with the same or a smaller number of employees. This is exactly what is impossible to do without quality technology. Simply, those who follow the technology and are in line with the trends will always be better and achieve better results.

The key to everything is that we can do the same or a larger amount of work, generate more turnover and revenue, and ultimately more profit. And we can’t do that if we need more people, which we can’t pay. So, the key is the technology, but not in the sense that we are reducing the number of employees thinking technology will do everything instead of them. No, we need quality and satisfied employees who will, by using technology, be able to dedicate more time to other work processes than to frantically type, close and synchronize calendars. Technology will increase productivity and efficiency while employees will be able to dedicate themselves to improving the quality of business, all of which will result in higher profits and salaries.

In my opinion, this is what companies need to do, invest time and energy to move from this stage in which they are now, to technology, so that in the end they have clear benefits, both them as a company and their employees. When we talked to many employees, not business owners, it happens they do certain repetitive tasks that take their time and are not so productive in the end. Business owners, on the other hand, view investing in technology as a addtional cost, not an opportunity to improve their business. The point is to look at technology as an investment that will take business to the next level, and employees will be more satisfied and productive. This will result in an increased number of acquired property units, and on the other hand, employees will be able to dedicate themselves to improving the satisfaction of existing customers. All this together will lead to a revenue increase.

In the end, tell us a bit more how the payment works for Booker Tools?

We decided not to charge on a monthly, fixed basis but on the performance, ie percentage according to the agencies, understanding their current status and situation. Our goal and idea is to be a quality partner to agencies by offering them quality technology, meaning prosperous and modern technology with all current and future modules.