
Zašto u industriji iznajmljivanja turističkog smještaja nema efekta biti nelojalna konkurencija?

Kaže se da je vrijeme novac te pojedinci pokušavaju na sve moguće načine što prije postići profit od iznajmljivanja svojih smještaja. Koriste se svim mogućim metodama pa i onim koje ih čine nelojalnim konkurentima u industriji iznajmljivanja turističkog smještaja. Koriste metode poput drastičnih spuštanja cijena na tržištu koje su se prema statistici pokazale neučinkovitim za dugoročnu zaradu. 

Dakle, tko je nelojalna konkurencija te zbog čega nema efekta to biti? 

Prisutni su na svakom poslovnom području, pa tako i u turističkom iznajmljivanju apartmana. Ovaj pojam se odnosi na nepošteno tržišno natjecanje kojemu je za cilj profit pojedinca iznajmljivača sa svojim turističkim smještajem, ne uzimajući u obzir štetu koju uzrokuju konkurentima, tj. ostalim iznajmljivačima, ali i korisnicima usluge, tj. gostima. Nelojalna konkurencija za sobom povlači snižavanje cijena, srozavanje kvalitete usluge, te degradaciju poslovne branše s mogućnošću potpune propasti.

Spuštanje cijena dovodi do kolapsa na tržištu iznajmljivanja turističkog smještaja

Jedan od načina na koji se manifestira konkurentska nelojalnost je drastično smanjenje cijena (“damping cijena”). Ovakvo poslovanje se očituje u ponudi proizvoda ili usluge, u ovom slučaju smještaja, za ispodprosječnu cijenu s obzirom na onu na tržištu. Cilj dampinga je da iznajmljivači u što kraćem roku postignu brzu zaradu kako bi im apartmani bili svakodnevno popunjeni te kako bi time “uništili” konkurenciju. Cilj je svakom iznajmljivaču ostvariti maksimalnu popunjenost, međutim neki se koriste ovakvom “nepoštenom” metodom te nisu svjesni da im se takav način zarade neće dugoročno isplatiti. Na taj način smatraju da će se ostali iznajmljivači prestati baviti turističkim iznajmljivanjem smještaja zbog neisplativosti. Ali zapravo je veća mogućnost da će i konkurencija početi spuštati cijene te će na taj način doći do toga da nijedan iznajmljivač ne zaradi koliko je mogao zbog spuštanja cijena u nedogled. Ta pojava se naziva “negativna cjenovna spirala” te njom može doći do kolapsa na tržištu.

Lažno prezentiranje smještaja na booking kanalima

Još jedan način na koji se postaje nelojalna konkurencija u iznajmljivanju turističkog smještaja je lažno oglašavanje na booking kanalima. Vlasnik nekog smještaja može navesti da se plaža nalazi 5 min pješke od apartmana, dok je zapravo potrebno pješačiti 30 min. Može slagati da su svi potrebni sadržaji poput prehrambene trgovine, ljekarne, stanice za autobus i slično u okolici apartmana dok se zapravo apartman nalazi na periferiji grada usred ničega. Bilo tko može zloupotrijebiti Photoshop za lažno retuširanje fotografija a i kutove snimanja soba kako bi dočarao svoj smještaj većim i ljepšim nego što jest. Međutim, ovakvo lažno oglašavanje također nema dugoročnog efekta zbog toga jer gosti mogu ostaviti negativne recenzije te bi time iznajmljivači sami sebi sabotirali profit.

Iznajmljivanje apartmana na crno

Nagađa se da će ovakvog tipa iznajmljivanja biti sve više u budućnosti. Ovakav oblik nelojalne konkurencije je prisutan u svakoj poslovnoj branši. Prema statistici smatra se da majstori koji rade na crno u Hrvatskoj zarade preko 2 milijarde kuna godišnje. Svaki legalni iznajmljivač je dužan platiti paušalni porez (+ prirez) na dohodak, paušal turističke pristojbe i paušal turističke članarine koji su značajno porasli posljednjih godina. Na svaku realiziranu rezervaciju putem stranih kanala za oglašavanje, iznajmljivač je dužan obračunati i platiti PDV na proviziju. Osim poreznih obveza, koje ilegalni iznajmljivači nemaju, iznajmljivač koji legalno iznajmljuje smještaj mora zadovoljiti i niz propisa kako bi dobio dozvolu za iznajmljivanje, što također iziskuje značajna financijska sredstva.

Ovakvo poslovanje predstavlja teret svima onima koji posluju registrirano i legalno te plaćaju brojne namete na svoje poslovanje. Onaj koji radi na crno će uvijek biti barem upola jeftiniji od onoga koji posluje legalno. Međutim, takvim iznajmljivačima to može doći na naplatu putem inspekcije ukoliko sabotiraju profit ostale konkurencije te je ovo također jedan od načina na koje se ne može profitirati dugoročno. 

Ukoliko ste primjetili da se netko bavi iznajmljivanjem smještaja na crno, jedino što možete napraviti je prijaviti ga turističkoj inspekciji. Nelojalnom konkurencijom se nanosi šteta konkurentima, ali i gostima zbog lažnog oglašavanja. Sumnjivo jeftine ponude obično pružaju znatno slabiju kvalitetu te time i gosti budu nezadovoljni. Spuštanje cijena na kraju krajeva dovodi do kolapsa na tržištu te samim time i manji profit cijelog kolektiva iznajmljivača.

Ukoliko ste iznajmljivač te želite sebi olakšati vođenje smještaja, pročitajte više informacija o našim uslugama menadžmenta turističkog smještaja na našoj stranici.

Golden Leaf Properties: “We do 99% of our business and will do it through BT”

Booker Tools, Property Management Software (PMS) and Channel manager is a Croatian product intended for professionals: agencies, ho(s)tels, camps and vacation rental owners. The software was developed by Direct Booker, a world-award-winning short-term rental agency, which uses it for its own needs. The number of BT users is increasing daily and is currently used by thousands of users with over 8000 accommodation units in 9 countries.

One of the satisfied partners is Golden Leaf Properties, Property Management Company specialized in high-quality short-term rentals of villas and apartments. We spoke with Ivan Staničić, the General Manager of the company who revealed the specifics of their business, as well as satisfaction with the use of BT software.

– Tell us the story about Golden Leaf?

The Golden Leaf Properties brand provides services for people who don’t know a foreign language and don’t know how to work on a computer, cannot for any reason, or simply don’t want to manage their own property intended for short-term renting.

Golden Leaf has been around for more than 6 years and the company’s founder is Maksimilijan Šprung, a Croat from America who entered tourism by successfully managing his private real estate, which delighted his neighbors and friends who asked him to do the same for them. I joined him in 2018 when we connected so that together we could offer clients more.

I got into the business 2015. when my friend left Croatia and asked me to take over the management of accommodations and reservations for several of his clients… Since then, the business has grown steadily and I hope that it will continue despite the whole situation with the corona virus and the bad impact it has on business in general and us in particular in tourism.

– What is your position in the company?

At Golden Leaf tours d.o.o. who owns the Golden Leaf Properties brand, I hold the position of General Manager, but in this time of crisis due to the Coronavirus, I have to admit that only at the end of the day can I say what I actually did that day. In case someone did not understand me, I suggest that they try to deal with tourism 2020. 🙂

– What’s the secret to your success?

As I was between several jobs and I am an experienced entrepreneur(in my opinion, an entrepreneur becomes experienced when he goes bankrupt at least once), I quickly realized that this type of job is something that suits me and that I will certainly be able to make “something” out of it.

Since then my inventory has been growing and the business has become more and more automatized.

Automatisation is something that helps the business immensely, but the secret ingredient of this business is that we still do not automatize certain things because this business is successful only as long as the owner is satisfied with our service. I mention this because the relationship with property owners and our employees is our “secret sauce”. We will always pay attention to that.

We are constantly using all available technologies that will make our job easier and differentiate ourselves from the rest of the companies and individuals involved in this business, so we have become the first and for now, the only ones in Croatia to have cooperation with Homes & Villas by Marriott International. This is definitely one of the greatest achievements and something we are proud of.

Our mission is to have healthy growth in the number of facilities we manage and customer satisfaction with our service with maximum sustainability in all fields. We strive to make our actions speak for us and our greatest recognition is when our clients bring to us new clients because that says everything about us and what we are trying to accomplish in this business.

– Where is the headquarters of the company, how many units do you have?

The company’s headquarters are in Split, in Mostarska Street, and the branch office is in downtown, near Vestibule on the Peristyle.

The number of units that we fully manage, which means we replace the owner 100% is slightly more than 40. The number of units for which we work exclusively on the realization and processing the reservations is slightly more than 100. The number of units for which we work exclusively on the realization and processing of reservations with other agencies is slightly more than 200.

– What are the specifics of your business compared to other similar agencies?

Our company records with a top-notch 3D camera that contains the latest technologies and generates shooting results in the form of a 3D virtual walk that we have not yet seen with our competition. Walks can be uploaded to Google Streetview, mention in the description on Airbnb that the walk is posted on another website and it can be published on This is a representation of space as we predict it will be a “must-have” in the future.

Except for the cooperation with Homes & Villas by Marriott International, the fact that we know all of our vacation rental owners by name and we maintain contact with them on a personal level if it suits them is one more thing that makes us special.

We also have a “data scientist” who makes additional estimates of prices for each object regarding the situation on market to maximize their profit at full potential.

– How did you find out about Booker Tools?

I am responsible, along with Maksimilian, for our company and employees, so finding an optimal software on which we can base our business was a must. I found it literally on Google a couple of years ago, but at that point, I had no need to change the PMS I was using at the moment. We made many presentations with Croatian and foreign service providers and concluded that BT gave the most “correct” answers from the first call to the sales department, all the way to the presentation itself.

– Which Property Management Software did you use and why did you stop using them?

We used PMS Vreasy and BookingPal. Vreasy is now shut down after it was bought by FantasticStay, and their new software doesn’t suit us, so we took BT for that part of the business, and we use BookingPal because it’s our only choice to update the channels for one big partner we work with.

In other words, we do 99% of our business and will do it through BT.

– How long have you been working and are you satisfied with Booker Tools?

We have to wait a while for a full assessment of the functionality of PMS until we see how it will look like in practice when we start using it in full form. What we can say right away is that we are very optimistic about the potential of BT for our business and we believe that in the future it will prove to be the right choice for our needs.

– How satisfied are you with customer support?

For the customer service, especially Mario, we have only words of praise and we expect to continue our long-term and successful cooperation in the future.

If you are looking for a technological solution that will make the managing of camp, ho(s)tel, agency, or private accommodation easier, try BT free for 15 days.