
Zašto u industriji iznajmljivanja turističkog smještaja nema efekta biti nelojalna konkurencija?

Kaže se da je vrijeme novac te pojedinci pokušavaju na sve moguće načine što prije postići profit od iznajmljivanja svojih smještaja. Koriste se svim mogućim metodama pa i onim koje ih čine nelojalnim konkurentima u industriji iznajmljivanja turističkog smještaja. Koriste metode poput drastičnih spuštanja cijena na tržištu koje su se prema statistici pokazale neučinkovitim za dugoročnu zaradu. 

Dakle, tko je nelojalna konkurencija te zbog čega nema efekta to biti? 

Prisutni su na svakom poslovnom području, pa tako i u turističkom iznajmljivanju apartmana. Ovaj pojam se odnosi na nepošteno tržišno natjecanje kojemu je za cilj profit pojedinca iznajmljivača sa svojim turističkim smještajem, ne uzimajući u obzir štetu koju uzrokuju konkurentima, tj. ostalim iznajmljivačima, ali i korisnicima usluge, tj. gostima. Nelojalna konkurencija za sobom povlači snižavanje cijena, srozavanje kvalitete usluge, te degradaciju poslovne branše s mogućnošću potpune propasti.

Spuštanje cijena dovodi do kolapsa na tržištu iznajmljivanja turističkog smještaja

Jedan od načina na koji se manifestira konkurentska nelojalnost je drastično smanjenje cijena (“damping cijena”). Ovakvo poslovanje se očituje u ponudi proizvoda ili usluge, u ovom slučaju smještaja, za ispodprosječnu cijenu s obzirom na onu na tržištu. Cilj dampinga je da iznajmljivači u što kraćem roku postignu brzu zaradu kako bi im apartmani bili svakodnevno popunjeni te kako bi time “uništili” konkurenciju. Cilj je svakom iznajmljivaču ostvariti maksimalnu popunjenost, međutim neki se koriste ovakvom “nepoštenom” metodom te nisu svjesni da im se takav način zarade neće dugoročno isplatiti. Na taj način smatraju da će se ostali iznajmljivači prestati baviti turističkim iznajmljivanjem smještaja zbog neisplativosti. Ali zapravo je veća mogućnost da će i konkurencija početi spuštati cijene te će na taj način doći do toga da nijedan iznajmljivač ne zaradi koliko je mogao zbog spuštanja cijena u nedogled. Ta pojava se naziva “negativna cjenovna spirala” te njom može doći do kolapsa na tržištu.

Lažno prezentiranje smještaja na booking kanalima

Još jedan način na koji se postaje nelojalna konkurencija u iznajmljivanju turističkog smještaja je lažno oglašavanje na booking kanalima. Vlasnik nekog smještaja može navesti da se plaža nalazi 5 min pješke od apartmana, dok je zapravo potrebno pješačiti 30 min. Može slagati da su svi potrebni sadržaji poput prehrambene trgovine, ljekarne, stanice za autobus i slično u okolici apartmana dok se zapravo apartman nalazi na periferiji grada usred ničega. Bilo tko može zloupotrijebiti Photoshop za lažno retuširanje fotografija a i kutove snimanja soba kako bi dočarao svoj smještaj većim i ljepšim nego što jest. Međutim, ovakvo lažno oglašavanje također nema dugoročnog efekta zbog toga jer gosti mogu ostaviti negativne recenzije te bi time iznajmljivači sami sebi sabotirali profit.

Iznajmljivanje apartmana na crno

Nagađa se da će ovakvog tipa iznajmljivanja biti sve više u budućnosti. Ovakav oblik nelojalne konkurencije je prisutan u svakoj poslovnoj branši. Prema statistici smatra se da majstori koji rade na crno u Hrvatskoj zarade preko 2 milijarde kuna godišnje. Svaki legalni iznajmljivač je dužan platiti paušalni porez (+ prirez) na dohodak, paušal turističke pristojbe i paušal turističke članarine koji su značajno porasli posljednjih godina. Na svaku realiziranu rezervaciju putem stranih kanala za oglašavanje, iznajmljivač je dužan obračunati i platiti PDV na proviziju. Osim poreznih obveza, koje ilegalni iznajmljivači nemaju, iznajmljivač koji legalno iznajmljuje smještaj mora zadovoljiti i niz propisa kako bi dobio dozvolu za iznajmljivanje, što također iziskuje značajna financijska sredstva.

Ovakvo poslovanje predstavlja teret svima onima koji posluju registrirano i legalno te plaćaju brojne namete na svoje poslovanje. Onaj koji radi na crno će uvijek biti barem upola jeftiniji od onoga koji posluje legalno. Međutim, takvim iznajmljivačima to može doći na naplatu putem inspekcije ukoliko sabotiraju profit ostale konkurencije te je ovo također jedan od načina na koje se ne može profitirati dugoročno. 

Ukoliko ste primjetili da se netko bavi iznajmljivanjem smještaja na crno, jedino što možete napraviti je prijaviti ga turističkoj inspekciji. Nelojalnom konkurencijom se nanosi šteta konkurentima, ali i gostima zbog lažnog oglašavanja. Sumnjivo jeftine ponude obično pružaju znatno slabiju kvalitetu te time i gosti budu nezadovoljni. Spuštanje cijena na kraju krajeva dovodi do kolapsa na tržištu te samim time i manji profit cijelog kolektiva iznajmljivača.

Ukoliko ste iznajmljivač te želite sebi olakšati vođenje smještaja, pročitajte više informacija o našim uslugama menadžmenta turističkog smještaja na našoj stranici.

A stronger summer, together!

It’s a peak of the season and we believe that most of you are satisfied with the results so far.
For those of you who want to increase their sales and meet the needs of today’s travelers, we suggest you realize these facts.

This summer travelers are searching for stays in June, July, August, and September as the numbers of covid cases are lower and traveling is safer. However, in these uncertain times, anything can happen that’s why it is more important than ever to have flexible rates. After spending almost a year in a lockdown it’s natural that people need to stay out of the house for a longer time.
You need to set up long-stay rate plans. We know that you are seeking safety measures, so let the guests know about it.
In today’s world, everybody is using their mobile phones for everything also for booking. Remember to add mobile rate.

Read this blog article from our partner to make sure you are not missing anything! Premier Connectivity Partner 2021

The travel industry has been going through a rough time this year, because of that we know that strong and productive partnerships are more important than ever.

Booker Tools, software which is used to manage more than 8000 accommodation units and which was made and developed in Dubrovnik, Croatia, is announced as 2021 Premier Connectivity Partner by, one of the largest booking platforms in the world. The ‘Premier’ category is part of the Connectivity Partner Program 2021; a new incentive program to stimulate the performance of its partners. Premier partners are top and highest-value connectivity providers. These providers offer the most advanced systems with the widest range of products and services.

There are three tiers in this program ‘Standard’, ‘Advanced’ and ‘Premier’. Depending on the number of points accumulated in the year, the providers are classified on the relevant tier. has recognized the efforts and commitment we put into our work. This is just one more step that will motivate us to do better every day and reach for the stars! – Recovery guidelines and tips

Since this is a rough and uncertain time for tourism caused by Covid-19, one of the biggest online reservation platforms,, has created Recovery guidelines and tips which you can read here.

Through the special offers, you can increase your early bookers, last-minute reservations, as well as encourage guests to make their reservation for a longer period. offers different options when it comes to special offers, but depending on the terms which your vacation rental unit has to satisfy for a certain type of promotion. promotes those objects which use promo actions in their global campaigns via emails and partner sites. Using this type of strategy, your vacation rental becomes more visible and accessible to potential customers.

Take a look at the special offers to increase the number of your reservations on the platform.

Early bookers – First-minute offer 

Attract those guests who book their accommodation far ahead of the others. One of the ways how to attract this type of guest is by setting discounted deals for the upcoming period like a next season or a year.

Genius – Loyalty program 

An exclusive loyalty program that brings vacation rental owners closer to`s most frequent bookers. As a Genius partner, your property will get a special Genius tag with which you will accomplish better visibility and a ranking boost in search results on the website. Your property will be displayed to the type of travelers who travel more often, book further in advance and spend more when booking.

Last-minute bookers – Last-minute Deal

One of the most effective ways how to easily fill up empty rooms and attract bookers searching for properties up to seven days in advance or closer to arrival. Setting up options like no address details or no credit card will make bookings through mobile devices more agile and easier.

Mobile rate – Mobile rate 

Bookings made through mobile application continuously exceed those made on the desktop. This is an ideal option for attracting the fastest-growing segment of bookers. All you have to do is offer a discount of at least 10% for all mobile users.

Country rate/GEO rate – Rates for specific countries 

The best way to attract guests from specific countries and tap into new markets. Country rates represent targeted discounts which you can offer to guests from the market of your choice.

Preferred – Preferred partner program

The preferred partner program is an exclusive program that brings greater visibility to the top 30% vacation rental owners. There is a specific set of criteria that must be fulfilled to join. Properties listed within this program get greater visibility in the search results and receive a special “thumbs – up” icon which acts as the certificate of approval.

Property Page Score – Page quality ranking 

The content of your property page has to tell a story and persuade a potential guest that you are worth staying with. Showcasing the right information you are setting the real expectations for the guests, which in turn brings satisfied guests, exquisite reviews, and new bookings.

Flexible policy – 5 days 

Choosing this option helps your bookings grow since the cancellation policy is flexible. It is used in times of uncertainty to give a little push to travelers to book since this option enables free cancellation up to five days before the arrival.

New Booker Tools connection, Hotelbeds

Booker Tools has expanded its connection to Hotelbeds, B2B portal which is focused mainly on the vacation rental owners and hotels. From now on vacation rental owners and tourist agencies can use Booker Tools to increase the visibility of their accommodation units to an additional 60 000 new travel agencies worldwide.

Hotelbeds portal is one of the biggest portals with a 15 % global market used by 180 000 hotels in 185 countries worldwide, and it is focused on selling the vacation rental properties.

Users of Booker Tools operation system increase the visibility of their vacation rental properties since they can advertise automatically on portals such as Hotelbeds and its partners. This way vacation rental property is positioned on the best possible spot.

This feature is useful because f approximately 100 000 unique online users monthly view this platform. What is the additional advantage of big portal is in distribution and expansion of reservation channels.

Hotelbeds is of course just one of several reservation channels with which Booker Tools has competition among. Among other competition are, Airbnb, Expedia and more, and on each separate portal user has the inability to set prices based on the portal success and percentage of cancelled reservations, and how they are shown on each portal.

Additional advantages of channel manager are in the display of available units of system in real-time while simultaneously promotes all available vacation rental units through the portal which the user has chosen.

As final note why using channel manager is the key for the success of agencies and vacation rental owners is the information accuracy of vacation rental properties within the system.